UPAC Supports Tree Planting Initiative for Earth Day 2021 In Collaboration with Green Hands Environmental Team

Environment Projects

22 April 2021

UPAC Supports Tree Planting Initiative for Earth Day 2021 In Collaboration with Green Hands Environmental Team

United Projects for Aviation Services Company (UPAC), a commercial real estate and facilities management company, organized a virtual tree planting initiative with Green Hands Environmental Team, a local non-profit organization in celebration of Earth Day 2021 in recognition and appreciation to all the front liners and medical personnel throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

Between 7 and 10 April, volunteers from the Green Hands environmental team and UPAC team planted nearly 500 seedlings and herbal plants used in herbal remedies in the Al-Sabah Medical Area dedicated to growing herbal and aromatic plants. This initiative aims to increase the number and variety of trees planted in the area, as well as the yields from specific plants.

UPAC has pledged to continue working with various environmental organizations to further its commitment at reducing its overall environmental footprint by supporting various socially responsible activities that have a positive impact on the environment.

The Green Hands Environmental Team facilitated all the necessary approvals to support UPAC’s Earth Day project this year. The non-profit organization aims to support efforts and communities to protect and conserve the environment, as well as, increase environmental sustainability awareness.

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United Projects for Aviation Services Company

UPAC is a leading player in commercial projects that foster development and growth in the region’s real estate sector. We offer fast decisions, minimal bureaucracy and maximum dependability and we use our expertise to provide Kuwaiti government agencies the consultancy required to achieve long-term projects.